

Summary : So it has been a while since my last blog post, and that is because, I had lost access to my account, and it took some time to gain access back to it. Any way I am back, and I have been working hard on my projects over the last month, mainly on a tower-defense style game that I will release at the end of this month. Tower Defense This game is the project that I will release by the end of this month, and I am glad to say that is coming a long really well, and I am having a lot of fun working on this game. All the core features have been implemented, and for the rest of September I will be working on polishing the game.  The game's release date is: 31.9.2022 City Builder This game will be a 3D isometric, city builder game, and it most probably be the game that I will release for 10.2022, and so far I have been able to implement some of the basic features, placing building, UI, Camera movement.  Keep up with my blog, and I will be sharing a lot more about...

8.2022(Summary Of The Month & Game Release)

Summary: This month I have worked on Helicopter Physics project, which is now available to be played on my page. I have been very busy over the past month with my projects, internship, & more. Though my devlog posts have been a little bit inconsistent, I am happy to announce, that starting 9.2022, I will be posting 2 devlogs every week to discuss my work. Please feel free to check out Helicopter Physics Project, which is now done: s Next month I am thinking of working mostly on my 3D RPG project, though I am not fully decided yet. 

21.8.2022 Lots Of Changes & A clip of Helicopter Physics Project

 Summary: So as you might have noticed the lack of devlogs over the last few days, the reason for that really was that I was feeling kinda burnt out from working on 3 Different project, Internship work, start of school, & something really cool in the works that might happen(maybeee!).  So I kinda decided to take a short break, and just work on my internship project alone, and I am glad to say I feel a lot better after the short break, and I am ready to rock & roll!  Also I might start uploading blogs on a bi-daily bases, as each blogs takes a substantial amount of time to write, but I am not sure about this yet. Helicopter Physics: Today I am glad to say I made a lot of progress, and I mean a lot of progress. I worked on the physics of the helicopter, fixed some mathematical calculation with the RPM, added main & tail rotor blur with 20 textures, that change based on the RPM of the rotors, added pitch & rotation shift for the main & tail rotor to ...

17.8.2022(Progress update)

 Summary Today was a less productive day for my personal projects, as I had to make sure I catch up with my internship work, so I decide to focus on that for the day. I was able to get a few minor improvements in the game regarding the build up, and speed of the rotors spinning in the helicopter game. But that is really about it for my personal projects.

16.8.2022 Today's Update

 Summary Today was a fantastic day, as I went to IGDA(International Game Developer Association) in Helsinki, and I worked as a volunteer there. I met a lot of awesome game developers from all over the world. I had an absolute blast there. Furthermore, I made some connection, did some networking, met some new people, and worked as a volunteer! Helicopter Physics Before going to IGDA, I had a little bit of time to work on my project helicopter physics, and I focused on resolving the Rotor spin bugs that I mentioned in the previous devlog. I am glad to say those issues are now resolved, and I also worked on improving the way spin speed was building up. But yes, these were the changes I made today, as I didn't have any more time.

15.8.2022 I am back.

 Summary So as mentioned in my previous devlog, I had a lot of catching up to do with my internship work, so I focused on that over the weekend, and most of last week. Now starting today I will be able to focus more on my own projects, and the announcement I have mentioned before is still in works, and I will be able to probably announce it next week or never. Helicopter Physics Today I mostly worked on this project alone, and I worked on finishing of the engine system, set up the RPM, and horse power for the helicopter, based on which the speed, and acceleration of the helicopter will be determined. I have also set up the main & tail rotors, they spin as they should, except for a couple of issues that I will work on fixing tomorrow. for a full list of changes click here.

11.8.2022 & 12.8.2022

 Summary: So for the past week, the amount of work I have been doing on my own project is not necessarily that amount of work I usually do. The reason is that I have a few things cooking, that if they work out, It will be absolutely fantastic for me. I can't really share it yet, and if they don't work out, I won't share it either, but if they do work out, I will make as big of an announcement as I can possibly make! Most of my time has been going toward making sure it works out, but there is no guarantee, and the chances are low. Therefore, we shall wait & see. Regardless of that, I should be able to work more on my project starting Monday, as I have quite a bit of catching up to do with my internship work.