A Farmer's Valley(WIP)

Progress Update:

--Currently The Main Focus on Helicopter Physics Project--
This is to make sure I meet my own deadline of releasing a project every month.


337: When Player is in inventory time freezes.
336: When player is in inventory player can no longer move.
335: Player can turn on or off the pause menu with Escape key.
334: now when player is in inventory garbage collection system is called, to empty out the RAM.
333: set up all the inventory tabs.
332: set up the UI manager script.
331: set up the pause menu inventory system tab(not functional yet)
330: Set up the pause menu hierarchy.


329: The crop planting & farming system should be done now, I will add a couple other features near the end of the project 
328: set up the particle effect system for breaking stone.
327: Set up the animation for breaking stone.
326: Fixed an issue where after breaking the rock, the animation would move the player away.
325: Animation for the player pickaxe is set up.
324: Player can now use pickaxe tool to break stones.
323: Set up to different type of intractable stones.
322: When the trees are chopped down they spawn wood & seed related to the tree.
321: All the trees are intractable similar to the planted crops.
320: The trees are spawned in 5 different states.
319: The game now spawns trees when the game is first loaded.
318: Set up automated crop spawn when first game is loaded.


317: set up the the particle system for the tree.
316: set up the animation for the tree.
315: set up the tree trunk for the blue spruce.
314: Set up the loot spawn for the blue spruce tree.
313: Blue spruce tree has now 5 different stages of growth & a sprite to accompany it.
312: Fixed an small issue with object pooling.
311: set up another tree Blue spruce.
310:  tree trunk also has its own particle system now. 
309: tree trunk only spawns wood after being destroyed.
308: Tree trunk has both hit & destroy animation.
307: Player can now also chop down the tree trunk after 5 hits.
306: Fixed an animation bug that showed axe as a different tool.
305: There is also a particle system in place for tee being hit with axe.
304: There is an animation for tree being hit with the axe.
303: Tree now after being chopped down, it spawns a tree trunk.
302: Tree spawns acorn & wood both at different amounts.
301: Tree now can spawn 2 different items after being chopped down.
300: Tree now has a falling animation that falls on a different side based on player's location.
299: Player needs to perform chopping action 9 times.
298: Player can now chop down a tree.


297: Set up all the stages for the acorn growth.
296: Added some safeguard to make sure there won't be any game breaking bugs.
295: Changed how the animation was rendered.
294: There is now an animation for when the player collects an item.
293: Seeds now spawn 1-3 items after being farmed.
292: Fixed an issue with the loot spawn of crops.
291: Acorn takes 20 in games days to grow into a tree.
290: Acorn has 5 stages of growth.
289:Acor grows into an oak tree.
288: Player can now also plant acorn. 
287: Fixed some bugs that arose with the new changes.
286: I changed somethings about how plants grow.


Here is a showcase of the most recent systems installed in my game
285: Set up the item nudge class for the crops(it moves when player walks past it)
284: Play Can't move while harvest animation is playing.
283: Fixed a bug where player could reap the ground while moving.
282: Player can only harvest the crop when in range.
281: Player can only harvest the crop when the crop is in the last stage of growth.
280: Player can harvest the crop when holding the wicker basket.
279: Set up the player harvesting basics.
I will post a small clip later today.
278: All the stages of growth have visual representation of the plant.
277: Parsnip now grows after a day has passed.
276: Parsnip(the only plant in the game) has 5 growth stages.
275: When player plants the crop in the dug area, you can visually see the seeds planted.
274: Player can now water the planted crops.
273: Player can now only plant crops in dug area.
272: Player can now plant items in game. 
271: Created all the main classes for crops.
270: effect displays at the location of the cut object.
269: Set up an event to be called whenever an object was cut.
268: Fixed a bug where the wrong icon for the effect was displayed.
267: set up object pooling for all the effects.
266: Created particle effect system for cutting with scythe tool.
265: Set up Crop details.


264: Object pool system self categorizes pooled items in the hierarchy.
263: Object pooling is setup to work with any game object implementing it.
262: Set up object pooling system.
261: Player can move once the scene is loaded back up.
260: Player can no longer move while scene is being unloaded.
259: Player inputs are disabled while the reaping animation is playing.
258: Items now disappear after player's reaping action.
257: Player can reap weed.
256: Player can reap Cactus.
255: Player can now reap 2 reapable items per swing.
254: Animations for the player Scythe tool use is set up.
253: Player can now use the scythe tool if there are any reapable items nearby.
252: Set up player's Scythe tool use.
251: non grid based cursor is disabled when player is not hovering on top of a reapable item.
250: Non grid based cursor is available when player is range.
249: The non grid based cursor is available when player is using the Scythe tool.
248: set up a non grid based cursor.
247: player can now only water the ground using the right tool
246: watered tiles stay the same even after player has transitioned scene.
245: Water ground tiles now auto connect to other watered tiles.
244: all the watered ground tiles are displayed on a different layer.
243: player can not water that has already been watered.
242: Set up a system for water disappear after a day has passed.
241: Added set up watered ground display basics.


 A Showcase of the watered ground tile set up

182: After looking through my scripts for a long time I figured out how to fix the weapon durability not displaying.
183: Fixed a bug where lighting wouldn't work(Was a bug in Unity Game Engine), I upgraded the project to a newer version, and that fixed it.
184: Weapon durability slider now displays the electric weapon durability too.
185: Electric weapon durability now works properly, and reduces based on time the weapon was active. 
186: Added 3 more different type of healings.
187: set up a basic algorithm for healing spawn.
188: Healings now have 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%  healing rates,
189: Chances of spawning a better healing is lower.
190: Chances of spawning healing at all is 30%.
191: Had to redo lots of the lighting for the game because of the engine upgrade.
192: Changed how the electric weapon durability is calculated to make it smoother.
193: Added highlighted(lighting) to enemies.


240: Set up the basics for displaying the watered ground.
239: Player can only water the ground is 1 tile space away.
238: Player can only water the ground that has not been watered.
237: Player can only water the ground that has been dug.
236: Set up the animations for player watering the ground.


Here is a showcase of digging

235: Fixed a few bugs that when player connected some tiles, the dug tiles would connect incorrectly.
234: So today I was able to finally implement the digging feature fully.


233: I have laid out the foundation for this feature, although it needs more & hopefully tomorrow it will be done!
232: I have been hard at work to make the tiles that been dug display, and when 2 tiles next to each other been dug, they need to connect & display properly. There are 18 combinations that this can happen, & takes quite a bit of time to implement.


231: Fixed a couple of bugs with animation not resetting properly.
230: Player can now play the correct animation for the hoeing tool.
229: Set up the basics of time for change of the ground that has been dug.
228: Set up the grid cursor to now allow player to dig ground that has been dug.
227: Set up the grid cursor to now respond to distance between digging radius, and player.
226: Set up the grid cursor to now respond to diggable ground when player is holding the tool.
225:  Set up the player input for digging ground.
224: set up the animation overrides for when player is digging.
223: Marked certain areas of the map as diggable.
222: Player can now select an item and click in to drop an item.


Showcasing the cursor feedback feature:
221: Fixed a bug where player could place an item places that he was not allowed to place.
220: Bugfix some items would ignore all the details(looking for the wrong tile map description).
219: Condition for the dropping an item is as follows: Distance between the item & player should be less than item's use radius, tile map data also allows the item to be dropped there.
218:  The areas where player can not drop an item is also highlighted when player hovers the mouse.
217: Player can now see where he can drop items (the cursor turns green).
216:  Now the player can no longer drops an item any further than the selected item's description allows.
215: Added red tile cursor. 
214: Added green tile cursor.


Here is a showcase of all the most recent change

213: Painted the area where player can drop items for Farm scene.
212: Painted the area where player can drop items for Cabin Scene.
211: Painted the area where player can drop items for Field scene.
210: Each Tile can now store data.
209: When player drop an item, it no longer moves up a grid cell size.
208: Changed the placement of objects when player drops them.
207: Player can no longer items where it is not allowed.
206: I set up the areas where player can drop items.
205: Set up the max grid size for the Field scene,
204: Set up the max grid size for the Farm Scene,
203: Set up the area where player can drop item in the grid(Not fully functional Yet).
202: Setup the max grid size for Cabin scene.


205: Set up the max grid size for the Field scene.
204: Set up the max grid size for the Farm Scene.
203: Set up the area where player can drop item in the grid(Not fully functional Yet).
202: Setup the max grid size for Cabin scene.
195: Created the following options for grid property:
201:  Player can place buildings here.
200: Player can place furniture here.
199: NPC AI Obstacle.
198: NPC AI can walk here.
197: Player Can drop item here.
196: Player Can dig Here.
194: Created 3 different grid property scriptable object for 3 different scenes.
193: Created the basics of tilemap properties.
192: Created a custom brush, for checking tile-map coordinates.
191: Fixed the collision issues with cabin interior furniture. 
190: Fixed a bug with the in-game time.
189: Changed the way player interacts with some items.
188: Fixed some collider issues with rendering.
187: placed the ground work for save and load from memory.
186:  Items removed from scene(ie Pickedup)  will be removed from the scene forever.
185:Items dropped in a scene will be there forever even after reloading scene.
184: Setup scene persistence.
183: Setup the Cinamachine confiner for the new scene.
182: Set up the rendering priorities for the Field scene.
181: set up the collisions for the new scene.
180: Set up the furniture & more. 
179: Set up the level design for the cabin interior.
178: Setup the scene to be additively added to the persistent scene.
177: Created a tile map grid hierarchy for this scene.
176: Set up a new scene, cabin interior scene.


Here is a showcase of the most recent changes(In-game time, Scene Transition, & much more)
174: Set up a script that determines where in the new scene should the player spawn.
173: Player can transition perfectly between scenes without loss of any data for the persistent scene. 
172: Set up scene transition between the additively added scenes.
171: Set up the reapable items in the scene.
170: did more level design.
169: Set up all the grid properties.
168: Fixe a collision issue with the lower half fences.
167: Fixed a rendering issue with the fences.
166: Setup the Cinamachine confiner for the new scene,
165: Set up the rendering priorities for the Field scene.
164: set up the collisions for the new scene.
163: Set up the scenery. 
162: Set up the level design(took a lot of time!).
161: Setup the scene to be additively added to the persistent scene.
160: Created a tilemap grid hierarchy.
159: Created a new scene(field for farming).
158: Removed the search for gameobjects from start, and added them to sceneloadevent, to make sure they are present at the time of the search.
157: Scenes are being unloaded asynchronously in a new thread to avoid lagging.
156: Scenes are being loaded asynchronously in a new thread to avoid lagging.
155: When fading in all input raycasts are blocked.
154: Setup the fade in set up for the when new scene is Loading.
153: When fading out all input raycasts are blocked.
152: Setup the fade out set up for the when scene is unloading.
151: Setup the basics of scene management class.
150: Set up the delegate & event system for scene management. 


149: Game time should now be fully functional.
148: Added set up to be able to fast forward  days.
147: Added set up to be able to fast forward minutes.
146: Setup the UI for all the above.
145: All of the above are now setup to be visible in game.
143: Game Year is updating.
142: Game Season is updating.
141: Game day is updating correctly.
140:Game day of week is updating correctly.
139:Game Hour is updating correctly.
138: Game Second is updating correctly.


Here is a showcase of Item Selection, Item Description Pop up, Item Animation Override

137: Added the basics of In-game Time.
136: Set up SecondTime event.
135: Set up MinuteTime event.
134: Set up Hour Time event.
133: Set up Day Time event.
132:Set up Week Time event. 
131: Set up Season Time event.
130: Set up Year Time event.
129: Player inventory bar is now fully finished, and functional.
128: Player can stop carrying the item by deselecting it from inventory.
127: Item can be carried by selecting it from inventory.
126:Setup the animation override for player Idling.
125:Setup the animation override for player running.
124: Setup the animation override for Player walking.
123: Every Item that can be carried in the game, player can now visibly carry them.
122: Finally finished setting up the animation overrides.


121: Today, I mostly focused on optimizing my code, and bug fixes. I also did quite a bit of art. 
I am not going write down all bug fixes, because I forgot to keep track XD
Here is a showcase of the new items, and highlight setting:


120: If you click on an selected item again it deselects its.
119: Fixed a bug where if the player had a full inventory of items player could drop a half stack, or a full stack of items.
118: Fixed a bug where player could pick up more items than inventory size.
117: Highlight disappears after player switches item.
116: Highlight disappears after item is dropped.
115: Selected item is highlighted.
114: Allowed player to now select items.
113: Fixed a bug where the amount of items you could pick up could be more the the inventory size.
112: Fixed a loot duping glitch.


111: Description fiend appear when player hover on top of an item in the inventory bar.
110: Made it so that the description field appears where the Inventory bar is.
109: Description field displays the correct item name, number, and description.
108: Description field is now setup.
107: Created a descriptions field for items in the inventory Bar.
Added a collectable version of the following game objects: 
106: Acorn,
105: Parsnip_Seed 
104: PineCone 
103: Wood 
101: Weed, 
100: Axe,
 99: Pickaxe 
98: Hoe 
97: Watering Can 
96: Wicker Basket 
95: Scythe


Here is a video showcasing the inventory Bar features

94: Player can now move items around it his inventory.
93: Made it so that the items after being dropped are no longer on the persistent scene but on the level scene.
92: Made it so that when the player drops a stack of items there are a bit spread out.
91: There is now a small text displaying the amount of items player has in the stack.
90: Player can drop a full stack of items on the ground.
89: Player can now drop half a stack.
88: Added Stack feature to the items in the inventory.
87: added a feature where if the player reaching the bottom of the screen the UI bar moves to the top.
86: Player Can now drop items from the inventory bar.
85: Now the items the player pickups are displayed in the inventory bar. 
84: Properly positioned, and adjusted the every slot in the UI.
83: Added the inventory UI design to the game.
82: Added the very basics of UI sys.
81: Added A new font
80: Console displays the list of all items player has picked up.
79: It also shows the quantity items.
78: I can now display the Items the player has picked up in the console.
77: Created the very basics of inventory system.
76: Updated the level design.
75: Added another event to be called when there is a change in the player inventory.


76: Updated the level design.
75: Added another event to be called when there is a change in the player inventory.

A small 2 min clip showcasing some of the changes

74: Added animation to the grass when player walks past it.
73: Added Animation to the cactus when the player walks past.
72: The Grass, and cactus move in a different direction based on which direction came from.

49: Created data packs(Item code, Type, Sprite, Name, Description, Use radius and lots more) for all the collectable, and intactable game objects. The list goes:
50: Acorn         51: Pumpkin         52: Corn         53: Watering tool         54: Hoeing tool 55: Axe             56: Parsnip Seed  67: Parsnip   58: Logs                         59: Blue Spruce Pine Cone         60: Canyon Oak Tree Stump     61: Spruce Tree Stump                         62: Wicker Basket    63: PickAxe                                 64: Stone         65: Collectable Stone 66: Reaping tool         67:Grass         68: Weed         69: Cactus         70: Table                 71: Chair

48: Added custom unity editor features. It updates based on the item code, to insure I am using the correct Item code.
44: Added camera X,Y damping for smother camera follow.
43: Added additive scene to the game so that, all the game logic is consistent through all the scenes.
42: added proper colliders for the house so that the player can walk on porch.
41: Added fader to all the scenery to the game. so that when the player is behind them, the player is still visible.
40: House has different layers so that it give the illusion of player being rendered behind it.
39: Added house to the game.
38: added collider to the map.
36: created decent map for the game, which took some long hours XD.
35: added boundaries for the player camera.
34: Added cinamachine to the game.
33: Changed the pivot point for almost all game objects.
32: Added 8 different rendering layer for different layers of the map.
31: A couple of tiny bug fixes
30: Added group sorting for player, and other game objects,  so they are rendered together.


Project Timeline is 2-3 months.

Here is a 1 min clip of the player movement(Subject to change)

29: Changed, and improved the Unity Project setting to accommodate the game better.
28: Improved the code.
27: Created A GitHub repository to store my files.
26: All the animations are well synchronized with the movement.
25 Player running is setup.
24: player walking is setup.
23: Player movement is now setup.
22: Set-up the Idle animation left, right, Up , Down.
21: Set-up the running animation left, right, Up , Down.
20: Set-up the walking animation left, right, Up , Down.
19: Setup the lifting Animation Left, Right , Up, Down.
18: Setup the Swinging Animation Left, Right , Up, Down.
17: Setup the Picking Animation Left, Right , Up, Down.
16: Setup a delegate event call back method so that when parameters for an animation all the game object with that are subscribed to that event will play the animation.
15: Set up the animation, animation Parameters for the following
14: Player body,
13: Player Hair,
12: Player Hat,
11: Arms,
10: Player Tool
9: Created a Generic Singleton pattern for all the game objects that I want one instance of in the game. So that if there is two, one is destroyed.
8: The project is now setup to sort rendering priority according to the y axis.
7: Set-up the  BASICS of global lighting system.
6: Set-up the very basics of unity URP system,.
5: Setup the very basic of project setting.
4: Setup The basics of Cinemachine
3: Imported all the 2D Assets.
2: Set-up the basics of unity project for the game.
1: Created the GDD.

A Farmer Valley will be a 2D top down farming game.

Progress Persistence.
Fully Functioning UI.
Fully Functionating Inventory.
Shop System(Maybe)
& lots more!


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