
Progress Update:

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SOOO!! As you might have noticed the Title of the pages has changed from Lost Alien(WIP) to just Lost Alien. That is because the project is officially over, and is now available to be played on my itch.io Profile. link below:

This was a project that helped me learn a lot about Enums, Inheritance, Unity Editor Tool building, Delegates and events! I am extremely happy with what I have accomplished with is project, and it couldn't have gone better! It is extremely well received by everyone who was kind enough to review the game!

I would love to receive a review from you too Play the game from the link above, and leave a review. 

Here is a rather incomplete list of changes made today(Aside from publishing the game YAYAY!) :

337: First playable build is out, and being tested.
336: Took lots of cool screenshots for Itch.io Profile.
335: Adjust the enemies for level 4.
334: Bug fixes.
333: Added Lighting to all the Chests so that they are always visible.
332: Added Animation for the UI buttons.
331: Added more unique shooting patterns for level4 Boss.
330: Added more health, and difficulty to level3 boss.
329: Made the level 2 boss and enemies a bit easier.
328: Adjusted Level 1 boss to be easier.
327: Created a Level Selection tab in main menu.
326: You can return to mainmenu from Pause Menu.
325: Game freezes when in pause menu.
324: Designed A pause menu UI.
323: Added Highlight & pressed animation for Exit Button.
323: Added Highlight & pressed animation for Play Button.
322: Designed exit button UI.
321: Designed play button UI
320: Created Main Menu scene.


323: Added Highlight & pressed animation for Exit Button.
323: Added Highlight & pressed animation for Play Button.
322: Designed exit button UI.
321: Designed play button UI.
320: Created Main Menu scene.
319: Set-up the basics of level 4.
318: Changed the shooting enemy version for level 2.
317: Fixed some bugs on level 2.
316: Set-up level 3 scene transition.
315: set-up the gate system for level 3.
314: Added more bug fixes.
313: Added one more shooting enemy type.
312: Set-up all the enemies for level 3.
311: Set up the new lighting system in the level 3.
310: Set-up a new chest system.
309: Fixed some level collision bugs.
308: Level 3 Basics are setup.
307: Boss has 4 different attack types chosen randomly.
306: Level 3 boss is now set-up.
305: Fixed a lighting glitch where, the shadows won't apply on some layers.


Here is a showcase of the new lighting (Not fully Up to date)
304: Improved the shadows in the game.
303: Changed the weapon muzzle flash animation.
302: more difficult, and cooler.
301: Redid the entire level 2 lighting system. 
300: Looks a lot cooler!, and makes the game more difficult.
299: Redid the entire level 1 lighting system.
298: Basics of level 3 is now in place.
297: Changed the level 1 and level 2 boss.
296: More polishing.
295: More bug fixes.


Here is a showcase of level 2 :

294: Scene(level) Transitioning between level 1 and level 2 is now setup.
294: Added fade in screen on when a scene loads.
293: Fade out screen is now setup for loading the next scene.
292: Fixed lots of bugs.
291: Level 2 is now fully functional.
290: basics of scene management is now setup. 
289: Added more features to the boss enemy.
287: Lots of bug fixes.
286: New boss is now fully functional.
285: Added lootable chests.
284: Added all the enemies level 2.
283: Added lighting to the level 2.


282: Foundations of the level 2 is now setup
281: The new boss character is fully functional
280: Added a new boss character.
279: Boss health UI will no longer be visible after boss's death.
278: Fixed a bug where player's particle effect wouldn't play after getting shot.
277: Added Lighting, Particle Effect, and more to the enemy.
276: Added Movement animation to the enemy.
275: Added Death animation to the enemy.
274: Added Idle Animation to the enemy.
273:Created a new enemy.
272: Pattern Shots are extremely customizable. 
271: Added Pattern shots.
270:Added more enemy shooting types.
269: Increased boss's health.
268: Increased boss's movement speed.
267: Did some more finetuning.


266: I will probably up the difficulty a little.
Here is a gameplay of the first level:

265: I will do some more fine tuning, but I am very happy with how it looks.
264: Created the a fully playable level.
263: More fine tuning.
262: Some bug fixes.


Did  a lot of polishing:
258: Improving lighting.
259: Adjusting movement speed for player.
260: Adjusted shooting speed for player.
261: Adjusted most of the particle effects.


Here is a showcase of the most recent changes

257: Fixed a bug where door wouldn't open after killing all the enemies.
256: Added animated lighting for the chest.
255: Improved my game's efficiency.
254: Changed the particle effect for all the muzzle flashes.
253: Changed the particle system for all the enemies.
252: Changed how the homing missile hitting player particle effect looks(a lot better now)!
251: More tiny bug fixes.
250: FIxed a bug where weapons weren't dealing the damage they were supposed to.
249: Fixed a bug where some of the enemies would have to be killed twice.
248 Added particle effect to the enemy homing missile.
247: Added Impact particle effect to Swampy enemy.
246: Added Impact particle effect to Devil enemy.
245: Added Impact particle effect to Masked orc enemy.
244: Added Impact particle effect to Ice zombie enemy.
243: Added Impact particle effect to Imp enemy.
242: Changed the size of particles over lifetime, and WOW! it looks so much better.
241: adjusted the location of some weapons.
240: The particle effects now plays where the weapon was fired.
239: Each gun has different setting for the particle effect.
238: Added particle effect to the plasma weapon.
237: Added particle effect to Laser weapon.
236: Added particle effect to Matter weapon.
235: Added particle system to Blaster weapon.
234: Added Basics of the particle effects system.


233: Reduced Boss's health.
232: Boss Health UI appears only when player has entered the boss room.
232; it took a lot of math calculations to figure how to implement it.
231: Added Boss Health UI.
230:Boss is now less likely to chase the player, and more likely to shoot(makes it easier)
229: The flashing red animation stops when the enemy dies.
Added flashing red animation( to be triggered when damaged) to the following enemies:
228: Imp
227: Ice Zombie
226: Masked Orc.
225: Devil
224: slime

223: Fixed a some tiny bugs with how player bullet damage was calculated.
222: Chest system is now fully functional!
221: added screen shake to boss's charged attack.
220: Added screen shake to the boss's projectile.
219: The audio clip to be played is randomly chosen. 
218: There is 4 audio clip.
217: Added Audio to doors getting slammed shut.
216: fixed a bug where door would lock after opening even though all the enemies in the room where killed.
215: fixed a bug where the door wouldn't open after clearing the enemies.
214: Fixed a bug where player getting healed UI was playing the same animation as getting damaged.
213:Now instead of an invisible blocker blocking the path, it is a gate.
212: Made so that if the player moves into a dungeon room he can't go back, and has to clear the room.
211: single shot missile shots.
210: spread homing missile shots.
209: Normal homing missile shots.
208: burst homing missile shots.
207: Added more mechanics for shooting enemies: 
205: Fixed a bug where the chest pop up would turn on even after chest is used.
204: Fixed a bug where the shooter enemy can detect collision after death.
203: Once in range of the A pop up pops up
202: Chest can only be used once.
201: Chest spawns loot randomly from an array of lootable items.
200: Chest has open animation.
199: Chest has Idle animation.
198: Basics of chest system is setup.


This is a minute long clips showcasing the newly added audio system:

197: Added Small medkit. 
196: Added Medium medkit. 
195: Added Large medkit.
194: Added a intractable version all the weapons(Except the primary)

193: Added Player Death Audio.
192: Player death pickup has 3 different audio clips.
191: The active clip is being randomly chosen.

190: Background music is now added to the game. 
189: Medkit Pickup audio.
188: Medkit pickup has 4 different audio clips.
187: The active clip is being randomly chosen.
186: Weapon Pickup audio.
185: Weapon pickup has 3 different audio clips.
184: The active clip is being randomly chosen.

Added audio clip to the following weapons:
182: Blaser Audio.
181: Blaster has 4 different audio clips.
180: The active clip is being randomly chosen.
179: Anti-Matter.
178: Anti-Matter has 3 different audio clips.
176: The active clip is being randomly chosen.
175: Laser Audio.
174: Blaster has 4 different audio clips.
173: The active clip is being randomly chosen.
172: Plasma Audio.
171: Blaster has 6 different audio clips.
170: The active clip is being randomly chosen.

Currently Working on the audio system.
170: To avoid repetition the audio manager will pick one random clip out of 4. 
169: Now when a new door is unlocked a one shot audio clip is played. 
168: Audio Manager basics is setup.
167: Added animation to the intractable item.
166: Added lighting to the intractable item.
165: Intractable Items are now properly interactive. 
164: More finetuning to the project.
163: Bug fixes regarding the new custom unity inspector.
162: Bug fixes fixing the Weapon repair system.


161: Fixed a some left over Null reference errors.
160: mix and matching the current enemy types gives well over 20 different enemies.
159: Randomized the angle correction, and speed of missiles to avoid them being cluttered on top of each other.
158: Enemies now have one more type which can shoot missiles.
157: Randomized the angle at which the missiles will be shot at the player.
156: Fixed a bug where Health UI slider fill size was displayed incorrectly.
155: Homing Missile now has a bright flash upon hitting the player.
154: Homing missile now explodes even if it doesn't hit the player after 8 seconds.
153: Homing missile now has screen shake effect when it explodes.
152: Homing missile animation is now setup.
151: Homing missile is now fully tuned.
Currently we have the following shooting mechanics for enemies:
149: Normal.
148: Slow Spread.
147: Spread.
146: Burst Shot.
145: Shot Gun Blast.
144: Single shot. 
Next on the list homing shots, Pattern shots.
Got 3 type of movement:
143: Horizontal.
142: Vertical.
141: Stationary.
Next on the list: Chase&Shoot.
140: Added Shotgun blast shot mechanics.
139: Added single shot mechanics.
138: Added Burst Shot mechanics.


137: Fixed a bug where boss was getting stuck on player's collider and wouldn't move away after attacking the player.
136: Fixed a bug where boss could deal damage on every frame.
135: created a custom unity Inspector. though it took some time, it was really fun!

134: fixed a bug where the Blaster(starting weapon) was 0 durability and would disappear when fired.
133: Added shadow to almost all the enemies.
Here is a 1 min clip showcasing all the new additions and changes!

132: Fixed a bug where during the recent changes to the code, weapon damage was being displayed incorrectly.
131: Changed all the Consecutive  If else statements with Switch cases.
130: Changed how the Scriptable objects were Get & Set; 
129: Added Lighting to the Medkit.
128: Added animation to the Medkit.
127: and Of course Implemented the new player health UI.
126: Added Healed animation to the Player Health UI
125: Added Damaged animation to the Player Health UI
124: Implemented one of the new med kits Sprites in the game!
123: Improved the code Majorly! 


122: Designed a new health UI(bar) Display

122: Designed three types of med kits that will have different heal amounts.
121: Added intractable Health Item.
120: The health Item can use different sprites, different health amount, because it is all determined by scriptable objects.
119: Fixed a bug where player health UI was not update properly. 
118: Fixed a bug where player could still shoot after death.
117:Created a Scriptable Object system for Gun Repair.
116: Player can now add durability to the gun by going near the item in the world.(Which soon will be available through chests only)
115: if the durability repair amount exceeds the max durability. It will reset to the max.
114: now when the player adds durability to his weapon, the item will be destroyed.
113: added a weapon pickup system too.
112: weapon Icon now automatically changes to the weapon to which we want to add durability too.
111: Fixed a bug where some weapon's Max Durability was not correctly displayed
110: Fixed a bug where player's shadows where glitching, and displayed very weirdly.


To-Do :

Particle system, Maybe Dialogue System, maybe Inventory System, Gun Repair & Pickup System. 3 more level, ~10 more enemies, 2 more bosses.
109: Fixed some lighting issues.
108: Added proper lighting to all the rooms.
107: added proper lighting to all the corridors
106: Added animating Muzzle flash light.
105: added animation for when the bullet hits the barrier.
104: Added Shadow to the player.
103: added lighting to the enemy projectiles.
102: added animation to the enemy projectile


101: Animated the Weapon UI. When the level starts it gradually loads in the scene from the side.
100: Improved the code's readability, and efficiency.
Here is a showcase of the most recent changes.

99: fixed a bug where if no functional weapons were left(except for pistol) and the weapon switch button were pressed, the weapon would start flashing on and off.
98: fixed a bug where sometimes the weapon cycle would skip a functional weapon.
97: fixed a bug for when the player switches to pistol, the pistol didn't render.
96: Now if the current weapon durability reaches zero, the player will automatically switch weapon, until it finds a weapon that is functional.
95: Now if the weapon Durability reaches zero, player will not be able to equip it again.
94: More Bug Fixes.
93: Redid how the weapon durability was calculated to make it more efficient.
92: bug fix Weapon Stats changing only when weapon was fired. Now it changes when weapon is switched.
91: Added a new font for Weapon Stats UI.
90: Created a frame for the Weapon Stats UI.
89: Fixed a bug not showing the Blaster gun's damage appropriately.


88: Blaster(Primary weapon) in the game durability never goes down( so that player always has something to fight with).
87: Fixed a bug where the weapon durability was going lower some times at twice the rate.
86: UI Slider indicating the weapon durability left is now fully functional for all the weapons.
85: Changed how different weapons calculate damage. 
84: Made some changes to the UI containers.
83: Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Durability(Currently Static).
82: Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use damage.
81: Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Name.
80: Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Image.
79: Created ScriptableObject for all the weapons information. 
78: Set up a GitHub Repository, so that if I break something there is always a backup.
77:Fade out effect is now being used by the Player's death.
76: Created a neat camera fade out effect.

Here is a short clip show casing some of the most recent changes, and additions such as UI, Post Processing, player death animation, and screen shake

75: added CameraShake to the melee enemies that hit the player.
74: Added CameraShake to the enemy bullets that hit the player.
73: Fixed a bug where player could change weapon, while the death animation was playing.
72: Created the ability for the player to shoot the enemy bullets(might be removed if it makes the game too easy).
71: more tweaking to the boss movement.


70 fixed all the null reference errors post player's death.
69: adjusted player death animation and speed.
68: fixed a big where player could shoot and move when health was zero.
67: Fixed a bug where after the player death animation didn't play
66:Did some color correction.
65: Added Chromatic Aberration to it.
64: added Vignette to the game.
63: Added bloom to the game.
62: Gate System is now fully functional.
61: Basics of post processing is now setup(Still being finetuned).
60: Player Health UI is now setup(place holder).


59: Fixed a bug where enemies would repeatedly get damaged even after death, and would continue to play the death animation repeatedly.

58: Boss Bug Fixes

To Check out the full progression of this project feel free to join my discord server.


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