5.7.2022 Progress Update


 Today was a really good day, since I was able to get a lot done both for my own project, and for my internship at CraftiPlay(I will not be able to discuss my work because of NDA). I started of working on Bill Nye Gone Mad project, as it is near it its end(should be done in a couple of weeks), I am thinking of releasing it also on Google Play Store. Later today I worked on my other project A Farmer's Valley, I was able to get a lot done, there is also a 1:45 min clip of the game as promised in the previous Devlog. 

A Farmer's Valley:

For Farmer's Valley project I started of working on finishing of the In-Game time UI, and logic, then I went on to set-up the scene transition settings, this was a complex process as I needed to unload, the current active scene, and load the next scene without the game lagging, and for this I needed to use Async methods which allows me load and unload scenes in a game without any delay/lag as it creates and runs on another thread the main game logic. 

I also Set up the new scene level design, It is a smaller placeholder scene, It's main purpose is to be a farm for the player to plant, and grow plants. The scene starts off with a lot items in it that can be collected. Although I have set up the scene persistence fully yet, I should be able to finish it tomorrow, or at the latest the day after tomorrow.  Scene persistence allows for any changes made to the scene persist, even though the scene is no longer in use, and is unloaded.

Bill Nye Gone Mad:

As this game is nearing the end of its development cycle, I am starting to implement the main game loop, which is enemies coming from both sides, while you try to kill them, and try to get the highest kill score. The game gets significantly harder the more time passes. 

Today I set up the player, and enemy damage system, and also now they play the animation for when they die, and after 2 seconds they disappear. I also set up the UI(User Interface) for the player health, Icon, current active weapon. Tomorrow I am hoping to finish of the enemies spawning in waves system, once that is done, I will move on to making the game so that it gets harder the more time passes, then I will move to polishing phase of the game.


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