Mad Scientist(Released)

Progress Update:

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Here is a showcase of all the great changes to my game
208: As the time passes, more & more difficult to kill enemies spawn.
207: Set up some light flickering animations for some lights in the game
206: Adjusted the icons for all the weapons.
205: Fixed an small scaling issue with the slider
204: Changed the weapon durability slider.
203: Fixed an issue where the Icon would display the incorrect primary weapon.
202: Changed player's primary weapon.
201: Fixed an issue where the weapon Icon wouldn't update when weapon swapped automatically.
200: Fixed an issue where the wrong weapon Icon was displayed.
199: Reduced weapons total durability.
198: Fixed a bug where the animator was displaying the wrong weapon, after weapon was automatically swapped.
197: fixed a bug where if player's 4th weapon durability reaches zero, the weapon wouldn't swap.
196: Set up auto swapping system for when player's weapon's durability reaches zero.
195: Fixed a bug where the weapon durability would display the wrong durability.
194: Once player weapon's durability reaches zero, player can no longer switch back to it. 
193: Added highlighted(lighting) to enemies.
192: Changed how the electric weapon durability is calculated to make it smoother.
191: Had to redo lots of the lighting for the game because of the engine upgrade.


193: Added highlighted(lighting) to enemies.
192: Changed how the electric weapon durability is calculated to make it smoother.
191: Had to redo lots of the lighting for the game because of the engine upgrade.
190: Chances of spawning healing at all is 30%.
189: Chances of spawning a better healing is lower.
188: Healings now have 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%  healing rates,
187: set up a basic algorithm for healing spawn.
186: Added 3 more different type of healings.
185: Electric weapon durability now works properly, and reduces based on time the weapon was active. 
184: Weapon durability slider now displays the electric weapon durability too.
183: Fixed a bug where lighting wouldn't work(Was a bug in Unity Game Engine), I upgraded the project to a newer version, and that fixed it.
182: After looking through my scripts for a long time I figured out how to fix the weapon durability not displaying.


Small Showcase of the particle effects.

181: Created some cool particle effects for the environment.
180: Enemies flash red now when damaged.
179: Added visual feedback for when enemies get damaged.
178: Added animated environmental lighting.
177: Added background music.
176: Added Shadow to the electric bullet environmental light.
175: Added screen shake to electric bullet, screen shake stops when player stops electrocuting.
174: Added animated lighting to the enemy range 1 when getting electrocuted.
174: Added animated lighting to the enemy melee 1 when getting electrocuted.
173: Improved the global lighting.
172:Now When player shoots  the fourth weapon, the correct audio clip plays.
171: Now When player shoots  the third weapon, the correct audio clip plays.
170: Now when player shoots the second weapon, an audio clip is randomly chosen and played. 
169: Fixed a bug where the enemy's rotation would not update unless player was out of range. 
168: When enemies get hit, there is audio feedback.
167:Audio Clip for electric now stops when player turns it off.
166: Audio Clip for electric now plays & loops properly.
165: Added 1 audio clip for the 4th weapon.
164: Added 6 different type of audio clip for the third weapon.
163: Added 10 different type of audio for the second weapon.
162: Added 2 different type of electric bullet audio.


161: Added environmental lighting to the electric bullet.
160: Added Color adjustments: increased post exposure, contrast, Hue shift.
159: Added a little bit of film grain.
158: Added Shadow & midtone highlights
157: Added Depth of field to the game (allows better color correction).
156: Added Tone mapping to improve the way colors are displayed.
155: Added Vignette to the post processing.
154: Added lighting to the background lamps.
153: added bloom post processing to the game.
152: Improved the lighting for the player's second bullet.
151: Added a universal screen shake script.
150: Added lighting to player's 3rd bullet.
149: Added Lighting to player's second bullet.
148: Improved the Post Processing effects.
147: Improved the global lighting.
146: Added lighting to the player, so that player can standout from the background.
145: Added lighting & shadows all over the game.
144: Added shadow to the player.
143: Electric bullet lighting is animating to match the electric bullet sprite.
142: Added Lighting to the electric bullet.


141: Fixed a bug causing the kill score not to update properly.
140: Added an audio pack to later be used when adding audio.
139: Added some fixes for trail renderers.
138: Set up the basics of weapon type.


137: The chances of an enemy spawning a health fuel is 30%.
136: Enemies now can spawn health fuels.
135: Fixed a bug where some enemy melee's wouldn't deal any damage.
134: Fixed a bug where melee weapon enemies where playing the wrong animation.
133: Fixed a bug where player was still playing the electric animation, even when switched weapon.
132: Redid how the electric weapon damage was calculated
131: Fixed a bug where player electric weapon would stop damaging after 4 hits.
130: Fixed a bug where player electric weapon would do too much damage. 
129: Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes wouldn't find the their target & just idle.
128: Fixed a bug where 3rd enemy was playing the wrong animations.
127: Set up the shoot, get hit, death, idle, electrocuted  for the 4th enemy animations.
126: Set-up the 4rd enemy,
127: Set up the shoot, get hit, death, idle, electrocuted animations.
126: Set-up the 3rd enemy,


125: Now instead of electrocuted enemy receiving damage once, enemy receives less damage but continuously.
124: Changed the de spawn time for the health potion from 5s to 15s-25s.
123: Now when the player shoots the enemy, enemy's shoot timer resets.
122: Fixed a bug where the enemy bullets wouldn't damage the player sometimes.
121: Fixed a bug with the Enemy spawner not updating the time, & resetting.


120: Enemies that are being spawned are randomized.
119: Fixed enemies shooting the wrong direction at times.
118: Enemies now spawns more enemies when the active enemies are killed.
117: Set up the enemy spawner to only spawn 6 enemies at a time. 
116: Set up the enemy spawner to spawn 2 groups of enemies from left & right.
115: Enemies now spawn in waves. 
114: Set up GUI icons & sprites for the following:
113: Play again button reloads the scene.
112: Play Again button.
111: Highest kill count.
110: Kill score.
109: Created kill count UI text to be displayed in the game over panel when the player dies.
108: Setup the Game over menu.


107:  kill count UI Text is using a custom font.
106: Set up the custom kill count UI text.
105: Set up the basic layout of weapon UI Display. 
104: Set up the player character image for UI display.
103: Set up the player health UI display.
102: Setup the custom font for UI.
101: Setup the basics of the UI Layout.
100: There is 4 different kind of health fuels.
99: The chances is for spawning a health fuel after enemy death is 30%.
98: enemies now spawn health fuel.
97: Player can now collect health fuels.
96: Setup the basics of collectable health fuels for the player.
95: Enemies now disappear after playing the death animation.
94: Enemies now play the death animation when health is reaches zero.
93: Enemies can now receive damage from player bullets.
92: When player health reaches zero, the death animation is being played.
91: Player can now die.
90: Player now receives damage.


A Showcase of the most recent changes: 

89: Set up the basics of health class.
88:Set up the basics of damage receiving for player.
87: Enemies no longer move while getting electrocuted. 
86: Setup the enemies getting electrocuted animation.
85  Set up the player shooting FX Animation for weapon 1. 
84: Set up the player shooting FX Animation for weapon 2,3.
83: Shooter enemies now chase the player when not in range. 
82: Shooter enemies now shoot when in range.
81: Setup the enemy range detection.
80: Setup the enemy bullet particle effect sys.
79: Setup the second variant of enemy bullet,
78:Fixed a bug where enemy was playing the wrong animations
77: Setup the enemy shooting system.
76: Setup the enemy bullet trail renderer.
75: Setup the enemy bullet spawn position.
74: Setup the enemy bullet
73: Enemy attack detects the player correctly.
72: Enemy now attacks when in range.
71: Setup the enemy attack system range.


70: Setup the basics of the shooting enemy.
69: It also stops the animation if the player is no longer in range. 
68: First Enemy now attacks, and plays the attack animation. 
67: Fixed a some simple shooting bugs with player character.
66: Set-up the third enemy Animations, Basic logic, colliders, and etc.
65: Set-up the second enemy Animations, Basic logic, colliders, and etc.
64: Set-up the First enemy Animations, Basic logic, colliders, and etc.
63: Setup the basics of the enemy logic.


62: Optimized my code
61:Fixed a couple of bugs with the new object pooling system.
60: Changed, & improved how object pooling was done.
59: Fixed a bug where when the bullet pool was out of bullets, it would 
create the wrong bullet type.
58: Set-up Cinemachine confiner, to limit how far the camera goes.
57: Fixed a bug where the object pooling for some bullets was not acting the way intended.


56: Fixed some sorting layer issues.

55: Cinemachine is now properly set up, and follows the player correctly.
54: Added a time for how fast the player can shoot.
53: Fixed a bug where player bullets would sometime go the wrong direction.
52: Fixed an animation bug for the player.
51: Added boundaries for bullets, after which they get deactivated.
50: BugFix Player's bullets trail renderer would start off playing, causing weird visual glitches.
49: Player can now fire all weapons.
48: Created object pooling for player.
47: Added a particle effect for the 3rd bullet.
46: Added a third bullet.
45: Added the trail renderer for the second bullet.
44: Added a second bullet. 


Today I started working on a new project with will smaller time frame for the project. The purpose of the this project is too meet my goal of uploading a game every month. The time frame I have in mind for this game is ~20 days. While working on this game I will continue working on my other projects, but this will be the main focus.  

Here is a simple overview of how the game will play, enemies come in waves from 2 directions, and when you kill them they can spawn weapon upgrades, new weapons, health, and some buffs. As the game progresses, it will get more and more difficult, and the goal is to get the highest kill score possible.

Bill Nye Gone Made:

43: Changed the gitignore files to ignore the proper files.
42: Set-up the project on github.
41: Added first weapon's bullet's trail renderer.
40: added first weapon's bullet.
39: Fixed a bug where some animators where playing the wrong animations.
38: Player can cycle down the weapons.
37: Player can cycle up the weapons.
36: Added player weapon switching functionality.
35: Converted all the project materials to be URP Friendly. 
34: Added global lighting.
33: Setup the project to be URP.
32: Player idle animations plays when the player is not moving.
31: Player walk animation now plays when player is moving.
30: Player now rotates to direction he is moving.
29: Setup the boundaries for the player movement.
28: Setup the basics of the player movement.
one instance of a player available always.
27: Set up the singleton Monobehavior class to insure there is only .
26: Set-up the player Death Animation for the fourth gun.
25: Set-up the player Walk Animation for the fourth gun. 
24:  Set-up the player Shoot animation for the fourth gun.
23:  Set-up the player Idle animation for the fourth gun.
22: Set-up the player Death Animation for the third gun.
21: Set-up the player Walk Animation for the third  gun. 
20:  Set-up the player Shoot animation for the third gun.
19:  Set-up the player Idle animation for the third gun.
18: Set-up the player Death Animation for the second gun.
17: Set-up the player Walk Animation for the second gun. 
16:  Set-up the player Shoot animation for the second  gun.
15:  Set-up the player Idle animation for the second gun.
14: Set-up the player Death Animation for the first gun.
13: Set-up the player Walk Animation for the first gun. 
13: Set up the player Shoot animation for the first gun.
12: setup the player Idle animation for the first gun
11: rigidbody2D
10: Collider.
8: Animator,
7: sprite,
6: Setup the basic of the player:
5: Imported all the assets(free sprites).
4: Set up the level
3: Setup the foreground.
2: Setup the background.
1: Designing the GDD.


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