21.8.2022 Lots Of Changes & A clip of Helicopter Physics Project


So as you might have noticed the lack of devlogs over the last few days, the reason for that really was that I was feeling kinda burnt out from working on 3 Different project, Internship work, start of school, & something really cool in the works that might happen(maybeee!). 

So I kinda decided to take a short break, and just work on my internship project alone, and I am glad to say I feel a lot better after the short break, and I am ready to rock & roll! 

Also I might start uploading blogs on a bi-daily bases, as each blogs takes a substantial amount of time to write, but I am not sure about this yet.

Helicopter Physics:

Today I am glad to say I made a lot of progress, and I mean a lot of progress. I worked on the physics of the helicopter, fixed some mathematical calculation with the RPM, added main & tail rotor blur with 20 textures, that change based on the RPM of the rotors, added pitch & rotation shift for the main & tail rotor to match real world rotation of the helicopter, and finally I worked on making the helicopter actually fly!!
Though this change is not available in the clip below, It is almost fully done, and I should be able to showcase it tomorrow's devlog.


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