11.6.2022 Progress Report

 Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

These Are Dark Times:

There is media( Video ) accompanying the recent changes. To view it please head to the appropriate tab(These Are Dark Times (WIP) Page)
  1. Added inventory icon for Pistol.
  2.  Added inventory icon for Pistol magazine.
  3.   Added inventory icon for Crossbow arrows.
  4.  Added inventory icon for Keys.
  5.  Added inventory icon for Axe.
  6.  Added inventory icon for Knife.
  7.  Added inventory icon for Baseball bat.
  8.  Added inventory icon for Crossbow.
  9. Added Pickup functionality for the for Pistol.
  10. Added Pickup functionality for the for Pistol magazine.
  11. Added Pickup functionality for the for Crossbow arrows.
  12. Added Pickup functionality for the for Keys.
  13. Added Pickup functionality for the for Axe.
  14. Added Pickup functionality for the for Knife.
  15. Added Pickup functionality for the for Baseball .
  16. Added Pickup functionality for the for Crossbow.

  17. Setup the basics of Pickup system for knife.
  18.  Setup the basics of Pickup system for Baseball bat.
  19. Setup the basics of Pickup system for Axe.
  20. Setup the basics of Pickup system for CrossBow. 
  21. Setup the basics of Pickup system for Pistol.

Lost Alien:

  1. Reduced Boss's health.
  2. Boss Health UI appears only when player has entered the boss room.
  3. it took a lot of math calculations to figure how to implement it.
  4. Added Boss Health UI.
  5. Boss is now less likely to chase the player, and more likely to shoot(makes it easier)
  6. The flashing red animation stops when the enemy dies.
  7. Added flashing red animation( to be triggered when damaged) to the following enemies:
  8. Imp
  9. ce Zombie
  10. Masked Orc.
  11. Devil
  12. slime

  13. Fixed a some tiny bugs with how player bullet damage was calculated.
  14. Chest system is now fully functional!
  15. Added screen shake to boss's charged attack.
  16. Added screen shake to the boss's projectile.
  17. The audio clip to be played is randomly chosen. 
  18. There is 4 audio clip.
  19. Added Audio to doors getting slammed shut.
  20. Fixed a bug where door would lock after opening even though all the enemies in the room where killed.
  21. Fixed a bug where the door wouldn't open after clearing the enemies.
  22. Fixed a bug where player getting healed UI was playing the same animation as getting damaged.
  23. Now instead of an invisible blocker blocking the path, it is a gate.
  24. Made so that if the player moves into a dungeon room he can't go back, and has to clear the room.
  25. Single shot missile shots.
  26. Spread homing missile shots.
  27. Normal homing missile shots.
  28. Burst homing missile shots.
  29. Added more mechanics for shooting enemies: 
  30. Fixed a bug where the chest pop up would turn on even after chest is used.
  31. Fixed a bug where the shooter enemy can detect collision after death.
  32. Once in range of the A pop up pops up
  33. Chest can only be used once.
  34. Chest spawns loot randomly from an array of lootable items.
  35.  Chest has open animation.
  36. Chest has Idle animation.
  37. Basics of chest system is setup.


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