26.7.2022( New Plant that grows into a TREE!)


Today I had a lot of things to get done aside from game development, and also quite a few tasks for my internship. I was able to get some done for my own project too. I was able to focus only on the Farmer's Valley project, and I was able to improve somethings, change, and also add one new type of plant that grows into a tree!

A Farmer's Valley:

I started off working on setting up the animation for when the player collects an item, and I was able to get the animation working very well. I also worked on a new type of seed Acorn that after 20 days now grows into a full tree. There are 4 stages of growth and all take 5 day, after 20 days(in game) of planting an acorn you get tree. I also improved the safeguards against getting null references that can end up causing issues. I also fixed a few bugs. But yes that is about all I did.


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