21.7.2022(Bug fixes, features, & a clip)


Today I started off working on my internship project, I has some issues, and it took way too long to fix, but the issues are resolved. As for my projects I worked on setting up the Bow weapon for RPG Game, Set up Weapon durability, Lighting Fixes for Mad Scientist, and set up the display of watered ground tilemap for the A Farmer's Valley project. 
There is a short clip showcasing the changes for A Farmer's Valley, to view it click here or head to A Farmer's Valley(WIP)

A Farmer's Valley

I worked on displaying the watered ground tile map, and I was able to finish the set up today, which I am very happy about. Now the player can water the ground, and can see the watered ground& the tilemaps of watered ground now connect automatically. The watered tilemap resets after a day has passed, and also the watered ground stays persistent across scenes. 

RPG Game

Yes, I still don't know what to call this game XD. Today I worked on fixing some AI Bugs, and also finished the bow weapon set up, the player can now pick up the bow, shoot arrows, deal damage, the range is set up, Archer AI is set up. I will probably do a showcase of this game once I have a good-looking scene set up, and that might be in a week or 2. I might also showcase it a bit earlier, but we will see.

Mad Scientist

I worked on fixing the lighting issue that has been plaguing the game for while, after scouring the forms checking every possible reason, I could find the issue with my work, so the only logical conclusion was that it was Unity Engine Bug. I was correct! I updated my editor, and the issue was resolved, although it broke some of the lighting settings. I set the lighting setting back, and started working perfectly again.
I also setup the weapon durability system for the electric weapon, since the way the electric weapon works is quite different to the other weapons, I had to change the way durability was calculated too. 
I also worked on small algorithm for the loot spawn after enemies death, better healing have lower chances of spawning. 


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