7.6.2022 Progress Report


Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

Lost Alien:

There is media accompanying the recent changes. To view it please head to the appropriate tab(LostAlien)

  1. Created a Scriptable Object system for Gun Repair.
  2. Player can now add durability to the gun by going near the item in the world.(Which soon will be available through chests only)
  3. If the durability repair amount exceeds the max durability. It will reset to the max.
  4. Now when the player adds durability to his weapon, the item will be destroyed.
  5. Added a weapon pickup system too.
  6. Weapon Icon now automatically changes to the weapon to which we want to add durability too.
  7. Fixed a bug where some weapon's Max Durability was not correctly displayed
  8. Fixed a bug where player's shadows where glitching, and displayed very weirdly.
  9. Added intractable Health Item.
  10. The health Item can use different sprites, different health amount, because it is all determined by scriptable objects.
  11. Fixed a bug where player health UI was not update properly. 
  12. Fixed a bug where player could still shoot after death.
  13. Designed three types of med kits that will have different heal amounts.
  14.  Designed a new health UI(bar) Display.

These Are Dark Times:

I was Extremely busy today, so I didn't the chance to work on both of my projects. So no updates for this game today.


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