4.6.2022 Progress Report

Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

Lost Alien

There is a video clip accompanying the changes To view it please head to the appropriate page(LOST ALIEN WIP)
  1. Blaster(Primary weapon) in the game durability never goes down( so that player always has something to fight with).
  2. Fixed a bug where the weapon durability was going lower some times at twice the rate.
  3.  UI Slider indicating the weapon durability left is now fully functional for all the weapons.
  4. Changed how different weapons calculate damage. 
  5.  Made some changes to the UI containers.
  6. Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Durability(Currently Static).
  7.  Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use damage.
  8. Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Name.
  9. Created a UI container displaying the current Weapon in use Image.
  10.  Created ScriptableObject for all the weapons information. 
  11. Set up a GitHub Repository, so that if I break something there is always a backup.
  12. Fade out effect is now being used by the Player's death.
  13. Created a neat camera fade out effect.
  14. added CameraShake to the melee enemies that hit the player.
  15. Added CameraShake to the enemy bullets that hit the player.
  16. Fixed a bug where player could change weapon, while the death animation was playing.
  17. more tweaking to the boss movement.

These Are Dark Times

  1. When player is inventory mouse cursor is visible, and when outside the inventory mouse cursor is invisible.
  2. Now when player is in inventory, the game stops.
  3. Inventory can be turned On/Off using ('TAB', and 'I') buttons.
  4.  Setup the Basics of the Inventory UI.
  5.  Added NVG battery system.
  6.  Added NVG battery UI.


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