3.6.2022 Progress Report

Here is the list of tasks accomplished today:

70 fixed all the null reference errors post player's death.
69: adjusted player death animation and speed.
68: fixed a big where player could shoot and move when health was zero.
67: Fixed a bug where after the player death animation didn't play
66:Did some color correction.
65: Added Chromatic Aberration to it.
64: added Vignette to the game.
63: Added bloom to the game.
62: Gate System is now fully functional.
61: Basics of post processing is now setup(Still being finetuned).
60: Player Health UI is now setup(place holder).

For the short video showcase head over THESE ARE DARK TIMES(WIP) Tab
24: added all more 3D atmospheric audio.
23:  Flashlight ON/ OFF system is now fully functional.
22: flashlight battery has a battery now.
21: Added player health UI.
20: Added Flashlight power UI.
19: added custom fonts for the UI.

Fixing the player death animation bug gave me some trouble since I didn't want to hard code the series of events before the player's death, instead wanted to leave some flexibility for some changes in the future. At the end I was successful.


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