30.6.2022 Progress Report


25.6.2022  Progress Report:

There is media (Video) accompanying the recent changes. To view it, please head to the appropriate tab (Bill Nye Gone Made(WIP))
Today I started working on a new project with will smaller time frame for the project. The purpose of the this project is too meet my goal of uploading a game every month. The time frame I have in mind for this game is ~20 days. While working on this game I will continue working on my other projects, but this will be the main focus.  

Here is a simple overview of how the game will play, enemies come in waves from 2 directions, and when you kill them they can spawn weapon upgrades, new weapons, health, and some buffs. As the game progresses, it will get more and more difficult, and the goal is to get the highest kill score possible.

FYI I am a big fun of Bill Nye, and the name is kind of tribute to all the amazing work he has done to educate the public of science!

Bill Nye Gone Made:

  1. Changed the gitignore files to ignore the proper files.
  2. Set-up the project on github.
  3. Added first weapon's bullet's trail renderer.
  4. added first weapon's bullet.
  5. Fixed a bug where some animators where playing the wrong animations.
  6.  Player can cycle down the weapons.
  7.  Player can cycle up the weapons.
  8. Added player weapon switching functionality.
  9.  Converted all the project materials to be URP Friendly. 
  10. Added global lighting.
  11. Setup the project to be URP.
  12. Player idle animations plays when the player is not moving.
  13.  Player walk animation now plays when player is moving.
  14. Player now rotates to direction he is moving.
  15. Setup the boundaries for the player movement.
  16. Setup the basics of the player movement.
  17. one instance of a player available always.
  18. Set up the singleton Monobehavior class to insure there is only .
  19. Set-up the player Death Animation for the fourth gun.
  20. Set-up the player Walk Animation for the fourth gun. 
  21. Set-up the player Shoot animation for the fourth gun.
  22. Set-up the player Idle animation for the fourth gun.
  23. Set-up the player Death Animation for the third gun.
  24. Set-up the player Walk Animation for the third  gun. 
  25. Set-up the player Shoot animation for the third gun.
  26. Set-up the player Idle animation for the third gun.
  27. Set-up the player Death Animation for the second gun.
  28. Set-up the player Walk Animation for the second gun. 
  29. Set-up the player Shoot animation for the second  gun.
  30. Set-up the player Idle animation for the second gun.
  31. Set-up the player Death Animation for the first gun.
  32. Set-up the player Walk Animation for the first gun. 
  33. Set up the player Shoot animation for the first gun.
  34. setup the player Idle animation for the first gun
  35. rigidbody2D
  36. Collider.
  37. Animator,
  38. sprite,
  39. Setup the basic of the player:
  40. Imported all the assets(free sprites).
  41. Set up the level
  42. Setup the foreground.
  43. Setup the background.
  44. Designing the GDD.


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