26.6.2022 Progress Report


25.6.2022  Progress Report:

Today I mostly worked on getting the inventory selected item highlight setup done. It took a lot of time! It looks easy, I thought it would be easy, but no It took some time alright! nonetheless here are some changes I have made to my WIP games.

A Farmer's Valley:

  1. If you click on an selected item again it deselects its.
  2. Fixed a bug where if the player had a full inventory of items player could drop a half stack, or a full stack of items.
  3. Fixed a bug where player could pick up more items than inventory size.
  4. Highlight disappears after player switches item.
  5. Highlight disappears after item is dropped.
  6. Selected item is highlighted.
  7. Allowed player to now select items.
  8. Fixed a bug where the amount of items you could pick up could be more the the inventory size.
  9. Fixed a loot duping glitch.

These Are Dark Times:

  1. Fixed a transition bug for player animations
  2. Setup the door rotating animation (Properly)
  3. Setup the basics of door
  4. Now correct animations are playing based on weapon.
  5. Setup player equipping Crossbow from inventory.
  6. Setup player equipping Pistol from inventory.
  7. Fixed some issues with animator.
  8. setup the condition for playing IdleMeleeAnimation
  9. setup the condition for playing IdlePistolAnimation. 
  10. setup the condition for playing IdleCrossbowAnimation.
  11. Created a custom idle animation for the player holding crossbow.
  12. Changed the scaling on crossbow


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