19.6.2022 Progress Report


 Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

Lost Alien Progress:

Since these are the last days of this game, and I am aiming to publish it sometime this week. I am mostly focused on level design, and getting done with some minor details and stuff. So there really isn't much to write about. nonetheless here is a list of some of the changes made today:

  1. Added Highlight & pressed animation for Exit Button.
  2. Added Highlight & pressed animation for Play Button.
  3. Designed exit button UI.
  4. Designed play button UI.
  5. Created Main Menu scene.
  6. Set-up the basics of level 4.
  7. Changed the shooting enemy version for level 2.
  8. Fixed some bugs on level 2.
  9. Set-up level 3 scene transition.
  10. Set-up the gate system for level 3.
  11. Added more bug fixes.
  12. Added one more shooting enemy type.
  13. Set-up all the enemies for level 3.
  14. Set up the new lighting system in the level 3.
  15. Set-up a new chest system.
  16. Fixed some level collision bugs.
  17. Level 3 Basics are setup.
  18. Boss has 4 different attack types chosen randomly.
  19. Level 3 boss is now set-up.
  20. Fixed a lighting glitch where, the shadows won't apply on some layers.

These Are Dark Times, Progress:

The project is kinda on hold right now, because I am trying to finish the Lost Alien game, since is the home stretch for that game, and should be out in by then end of next week.


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