12.6.2022 Progress Report

Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

Lost Alien Progress:

There is media( Video ) accompanying the recent changes. To view it please head to the appropriate tab(Lost Alien(WIP))
    1. Fixed a bug where door wouldn't open after killing all the enemies.
    2. Added animated lighting for the chest.
    3. Improved my game's efficiency.
    4. Changed the particle effect for all the muzzle flashes.
    5. Changed the particle system for all the enemies.
    6. Changed how the homing missile hitting player particle effect looks(a lot better now)!
    7. More tiny bug fixes.
    8. Fixed a bug where weapons weren't dealing the damage they were supposed to.
    9. Fixed a bug where some of the enemies would have to be killed twice.
    10. Added particle effect to the enemy homing missile.
    11. Added Impact particle effect to Swampy enemy.
    12. Added Impact particle effect to Devil enemy.
    13. Added Impact particle effect to Masked orc enemy.
    14. Added Impact particle effect to Ice zombie enemy.
    15. Added Impact particle effect to Imp enemy.
    16. Changed the size of particles over lifetime, and WOW! it looks so much better.
    17. adjusted the location of some weapons.
    18. The particle effects now plays where the weapon was fired.
    19. Each gun has different setting for the particle effect.
    20. Added particle effect to the plasma weapon.
    21. Added particle effect to Laser weapon.
    22. Added particle effect to Matter weapon.
    23. Added particle system to Blaster weapon.
    24. Added Basics of the particle effects system.

    These Are Dark Times Progress:

    Improved on the inventory a lot.


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