10.6.2022 Progress Report

Here is a list of tasks accomplished today:

Lost Alien:

There is media( Video ) accompanying the recent changes. To view it please head to the appropriate tab(LostAlien(WIP) Page)
  1. Added Small medkit. 
  2. Added Medium medkit. 
  3. Added Large medkit.
  4. Added a intractable version all the weapons(Except the primary)

  1. Added Player Death Audio.
  2. Player death pickup has 3 different audio clips.
  3. The active clip is being randomly chosen.

Background music is now added to the game. 
  1. Medkit Pickup audio.
  2. Medkit pickup has 4 different audio clips.
  3. The active clip is being randomly chosen.
  4. Weapon Pickup audio.
  5. Weapon pickup has 3 different audio clips.
  6. The active clip is being randomly chosen.

Added audio clip to the following weapons:
  1. Blaser Audio.
  2. Blaster has 4 different audio clips.
  3. The active clip is being randomly chosen.
  4. Anti-Matter.
  5. Anti-Matter has 3 different audio clips.
  6. The active clip is being randomly chosen.
  7. Laser Audio.
  8. Blaster has 4 different audio clips.
  9. The active clip is being randomly chosen.
  10. Plasma Audio.
  11. Blaster has 6 different audio clips.
  12. The active clip is being randomly chosen.

Currently Working on the audio system.
  1. To avoid repetition the audio manager will pick one random clip out of 4. 
  2. Now when a new door is unlocked a one shot audio clip is played. 
  3. Audio Manager basics is setup.
  4. Added animation to the intractable item.
  5. Added lighting to the intractable item.
  6. Intractable Items are now properly interactive. 
  7. More finetuning to the project.
  8. Bug fixes regarding the new custom unity inspector.
  9. Bug fixes fixing the Weapon repair system.

These Are Dark Times:

  1. Lots of optimization.
  2. Lots of bug fixes.
  3. Setup the basics of Pickup system for knife.
  4. Setup the basics of Pickup system for Baseball bat.
  5. Setup the basics of Pickup system for Axe.
  6. Setup the basics of Pickup system for CrossBow. 
  7. Setup the basics of Pickup system for Pistol.


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